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5 quick-relief solutions for muscle cramps

5 quick-relief solutions for muscle cramps

Do you often wake up in the middle of the night with a severe cramp in your calves or feet? Or maybe you had a hard day at the gym and your muscles are acting up. Muscle cramps are usually caused due to overuse of a muscle or due to holding the same position for a very long time.
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Retinal disorders: An overview

Retinal disorders: An overview

Retina is a fine layer of nerve tissue. Retina is part of the central nervous system (CNS), and is the only portion of it that is visible from the outside. There are two types of photosensitive cells called Cones and Rods, which are about a 125 million in number, and are distributed all over retina non-uniformly.
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Tips to choose the right exercise bike for your needs

Tips to choose the right exercise bike for your needs

When it comes to buying exercise bikes, you need to consider many factors before your purchase. Here are some aspects that can help you center your purchase in order to avoid nasty shocks later on so that you choose the right exercise bike, based on your requirements. Design Design refers to both the appearance of the bike as well as the industrial conception.
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Common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Our human body, with all its uniqueness, is still vulnerable to various disease plaguing the earth. No matter how much science has progressed over the years, we are yet to find the cause of certain ailments and the cure for others. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one such disease or ailment that has no known cure for it.
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Manage ulcerative colitis with these natural lifestyle changes

Manage ulcerative colitis with these natural lifestyle changes

Ulcerative colitis is one condition that can truly tumble-up your lifestyle. Not very well-known, it is the inflammation of the large intestine and rectum over a long period of time. The inflammation of the lining of the colon can cause severe bleeding and formation of pus. This can lead to experiencing symptoms such as abdominal pain, repeated diarrhea, etc.
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An overview of male breast cancer

An overview of male breast cancer

Male breast cancer is just as rare as it sounds, only it’s real. Of all the breast cancers, one percent of occurs in men. The causes and risk factors are similar as in any breast cancer in women. There are no defined causes for breast cancer but there are certain risk factors that increase the chances/risk of getting cancer in men and women.
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