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Foods to be avoided by COPD patients

Foods to be avoided by COPD patients

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term used for a group of progressive lung diseases. Some foods help your body in providing nutrition, minerals, and vitamins for its smooth functioning. For chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, patients need to be careful of the foods to be consumed or avoided. COPD food charts and facts are available on the Internet.
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A few things you need to know about blood sugar levels

A few things you need to know about blood sugar levels

The level of glucose or sugar in the blood keeps on changing throughout the day. Blood sugar levels keep fluctuating based on a person’s diet, physical activities, and other factors. To have a clear idea about one’s blood sugar, it’s best to chart blood sugar levels as per a standardized blood sugar level chart at different intervals, which will let a person take the best and necessary health measures at the right time.
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Top 10 foods for those who have bladder cancer

Top 10 foods for those who have bladder cancer

One of the biggest constraints you face when diagnosed with bladder cancer, apart from the obvious factor that there is pain and a serious disease diagnosis, is that the foods that you are allowed to eat are limited and impact your lifestyle in a major way. There are foods that will soothe your bladder, and then there are some that can completely irritate it.
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6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about

6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about

6 FDA-approved asthma medications to know about There is no known cause of asthma; usually, a combination of genetic and environmental factors lead to the condition. Exposure to allergic substances and irritants can trigger asthma symptoms. The triggers and symptoms vary from person to person. Everything from airborne substances like pet dander, mold spores, the common cold, cold air, smoke, GERD, and stress can trigger asthma symptoms.
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Food allergies, intolerances, and abdominal pain

Food allergies, intolerances, and abdominal pain

Food allergies are a common occurrence and surfaces when the immune system has an abnormal reaction to something you have consumed. The symptoms of an allergic reaction can be abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, rash, difficulty swallowing, gas and itchiness in the throat. Abdominal pain is also a common symptom of food intolerances.
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Can using laxatives help constipation?

Can using laxatives help constipation?

Laxative use for constipation is quite common. Many people use over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives for quick constipation relief. No doubt, laxatives can help with smooth bowel function, but these medicines must be used with caution and restraint. Types of Laxatives There are different types of laxatives in terms of how they work.
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